This thing is driving me nuts. I am about ready to post and here I sit. I can't locate the two red colors at the top of the tree background when I open a folder and then click the folder button to view the folder tree. Not even sure when it happened during all the chaos making the WB. If anybody has any ideas, I would sure like to know please. Was going to post the picture but didn't mange to show up. Don't know what I'm doing to tell the truth !! But here is a link to it !

on Feb 09, 2009

Hey there!

can you send me the newest version. I want to see if this just happens to you or if it starts on mine.

Thanks Don

on Feb 09, 2009

Ok Don , I hope this dose not mess up the one you have! ON THE WAY

on Feb 09, 2009

It look like its only shows up in windows explorer. Is that the only place you have noticed it.

This is a better version tha the last

on Feb 09, 2009

Yes that is the only place. I have a 100x100 solid white pic there! Bafuls the heck out of me. The combo box has a blank pic that I am having trouble controlling. I can not find the colors in the change color part of Skin Studio 6 or the Vista color part. So you are seeing the same as I am now Don? Maybe some one who knows the program can install it and find it !

on Feb 09, 2009

I don't get it. Are you reffering to the folder bar?

on Feb 10, 2009

That may be what it's called! It will say folder on the left and a close button on the right.

on Feb 10, 2009

I figured it out. After looking at the folder bar and found that not to be it. I got to thinking but I should be somewhere close here. I found it to be the second and third pixels in the bottom and top of the tool bar background. So you got me in the right area. Thanks for the help. Now I can get ready to post it. Problem solved