We have 2 computers that we use for graphics. One is 128MB DDR ATI Radeon 9800 . The other is a NVIDIA GeForce MX/MX 400 . The color on the ATI is driving me nuts. It makes it hard to pass files in-between computers because the color has such an impact of change from the ATI going to the NVIDIA . If I get the colors to look alike on both then on the ATI machine it will bite me with another problem. For an example if I open her Bryce program (after I have adjusted her color) I can barely see the tool buttons because of the brightness or gamma what ever it's doing. ATI won't let me have my cake and eat it too or this task is over my head one. We do our graphics together as much as the graphic cards allow.We know not to fix it if it isn't broke BUT !!! at this rate the ATI is not going to be with us very much longer. We were wondering if the driver has to match the card and if doesn't have to would it help to change drivers. Or should we consider buying a new card for hers. Mine is 5 years old and hers is almost 2 years. But the ATI makes us feel like we are living in the dark. Any advice at all would help.